May 26, 2014
IST Austria celebrates Open Campus
More than 1400 visitors celebrate IST Austria’s fifth anniversary at Open Campus • Governor of Lower Austria congratulates IST Austria on its achievements and awards students for their contributions to this year’s school competition • Colorful program including family lecture, science show, research islands and campus tours

More than 1400 guests from Lower Austria and Vienna came to visit yesterday’s Open Campus and celebrate IST Austria’s fifth anniversary. They enjoyed a colorful program with many attractions and highlights, including the official opening, the award ceremony for the school competition, a family lecture, a science comedy show, campus tours and research islands. IST Austria President Thomas Henzinger welcomed the visitors. He emphasized that the remarkable achievements of the first five years would not have been possible without the diligence of the people working at IST Austria and the steadfast public support, especially from the state of Lower Austria.
The Governor of Lower Austria, Erwin Pröll, took an active role in the official opening, congratulating IST Austria on the results in the past years and awarding the students for their contributions to this year’s creative competition on “Forms of Nature”. The family lecture by IST Austria Professor Björn Hof and the science comedy show by Bernhard Weingartner presented science in an informative jöand entertaining manner. The campus tours and research islands gave the visitors the opportunity to see the labs from the inside and experience research on a hands-on basis. A hotly contested water rocket competition for children successfully concluded yesterday’s Open Campus at IST Austria.