July 24, 2018
IST Austria participates in the KinderuniWien for the second time
Nearly 300 children took part in an excursion to Klosterneuburg

After last year’s great success, the Institute of Science and Technology (IST Austria) has now participated in the well-established Vienna Children’s University for the second time, doubling the number of places available. Nearly 300 children’s university students from Vienna and Lower Austria delved into the fascinating world of the small building blocks of life during the fully booked research day on the campus of IST Austria in Klosterneuburg last Friday. The theme of this year’s event was: “Tiny cells – very big!”
What happens to light when it passes through a microscope’s lens? Why does everything appear bigger through it? And how do the colors of light actually arise? These were some of the many questions Julia Michalska and Sven Truckenbrodt from Johann Danzl’s research group answered in a lecture for kids. After looking at microscope technique, the lecture then turned to the structure of the body. What does a muscle cell look like? What distinguishes it from a skin or bone cell? In a quiz, the children proved that they now know all about these and similar questions.
In addition to the lecture, eight parallel workshops were offered. In these, the children looked at details of natural materials under the microscope and took a look at various animal and plant cells.
Since July 2003, the Children’s Office of the University of Vienna has been organizing the Vienna Children’s University, which is now one of the largest children’s universities in Europe. The Children’s University Vienna is the first and most comprehensive children’s university in Austria. Further children’s universities have developed in Austria and abroad following its concept. Within the framework of the Vienna Children’s University, around 4,000 children between the ages of 7 and 12 from all over Austria take part in over 450 courses suitable for children and an extensive supporting program every year for two weeks.