Get It is a linking service that provides a fast and convenient way of interconnecting literature search and document.
This is our button embedded in certain databases and journals provided by ISTA.
With Get It, it is immediately obvious whether the document is licensed by ISTA or freely accessible. If so, it provides you with a link to the full text. If not, you will be redirected to the document delivery form. Using it, you can order the document and the library team will try to deliver the document as soon as possible. For further information regarding this process read more about the Document Delivery service at ISTA. For detailed instructions on how to access publications via IST Get It, order publications which are not licensed, and make a purchase suggestion, please consult the IST Get It + Document Delivery User Guide.
Get It @
Elsevier / Science Direct
Web of Science / Web of Knowledge
to activate the service you have to use this url:
Document Delivery
Document Delivery is a library service that helps you access articles, book parts or books not available at ISTA. Different options are available, depending on the type of document.
If you find an article in a journal that is not licensed by ISTA, two options are available, depending on the search platform. You either have the possibility to select the embedded “ISTA GetIT” button that will direct you to a pre-filled document delivery form (available at Scopus, Web of Science and PubMed) or you have to open the form and fill in bibliographic data yourself. Delivery usually takes between one hour and three days.

Book parts
If you find a chapter/part of a book that is neither licensed nor physically available at the library, it depends on the page count (copyright) whether it is possible to order the book part via document delivery. If it is not possible, we can order the book via an Interlibrary Loan. Depending on the type of service, delivery usually takes between one hour and one week.

If you find a book that is neither licensed nor physically available at the library, you have two options. You can either order the book using an Interlibrary Loan as described above or you can place a purchase suggestion if you think the book could also be of use to other readers.

Journals and databases
If you want the library to license a journal or database, please contact the library team.