18. Jun 2024
Quantum State Transfer in Semiconductor Quantum Dot Arrays
Quantum Colloquium
Datum: 18. June 2024 |
11:00 –
Gloria Platero, Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid (CSIC), Spain
Veranstaltungsort: Heinzel Seminar Room / Ground Floor / Office Building West
The recent progress in the fabrication and control of semiconductor quantum dot arrays
signals a substantial leap towards scalability and towards the implementation of new
functionalities in the field of quantum information, computation and simulation[1]. An
example of this, is the transfer of quantum information between distant sites, an
indispensable part of large-scale quantum information processing.
Great effort is currently being devoted to the investigation of hole spin qubits in quantum
dots owing to their long coherence time resulting from the weak hyperfine coupling to
nuclear spins and rapid operation time due to the inherently strong spin-orbit interaction
(SOI) [2-5].
In this talk I will discuss pulse-based protocols based on shortcuts to adiabaticity, which
allow to transfer spin holes directly between edges of a quantum dot chain with high
fidelity. I will show how the spin polarization of the transferred holes can be controlled
by tuning the ratio between the SOI and the spin conserving tunneling rate. Also, I will
discuss how to transfer entangled hole spins between edge dots and the feasibility of
quantum dot arrays to distribute information between distant sites and perform one qubit
gates in parallel [6].
An alternative way to transfer directly information between distant sites, is to use
protected topological edge states in systems with non-trivial topology. I will briefly
discuss the long-range particle dynamics mediated by edge states in different quantum
dot array configurations, which can be experimentally detected with QDs charge
detectors, and which opens a new avenue for quantum state transfer protocols in low
dimensional topological lattices [7].
[1] S. G. J. Philips, et al., Nature 609, 919 (2022); I. Seidler, et al., npj QI 8, 100 (2022); A.
Zwerver et al., PRX Quantum 4, 030303 (2023)
[2] D. Jirovec et al., Nature Mat., 20, 1106 (2021)
[3]G. Scappucci et al., Nature Rev. Mat., 6, 926 (2021)
[4] D. Jirovec et al., Phys Rev B, 128, 126803 (2022)
[5]D. Fernández-Fernández et al., Phys. Rev. Appl. 8, 054090 (2022); D. Fernández-Fernández,
et al., J. Phys. Mater. 6 034004 (2023).
[6] D. Fernández-Fernández, Y. Ban, G. Platero arXiv: 2312.04631 (2023)
[7] B. Pérez-González et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 126401 (2019); J. Zurita et al.,Quantum,7,
1043 (2023).